Copyright contracts tomorrow

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Copyright contract law is on the move. This one-day symposium brings together a group of eminent experts to determine where it is heading and how this will impact legal practice. 

Scrutinising a hot topic largely disregarded to date, the morning programme focuses on the implementation of the brand-new contract law rules in the 2019 Digital Single Market Directive, as well as on its implications for the future of copyright contracts in Belgium and its neighbouring countries. In the afternoon, a new light will be shed on a selection of copyright contracting issues that have arisen from the digital context. 

Held in English with a hands-on comparative approach, this symposium will be valuable for both Belgian and international IP specialists, and in particular for legal academics, magistrates, attorneys, company lawyers and other practitioners, triggered by the same question: What will our copyright contract law look like tomorrow? 


09.00    Registration                                                                                                                              09.30 Hendrik Vanhees and Simon Geiregat
                Introduction to the symposium and to the morning sessions

Morning programme:           Implementation of the contract provisions in the DSM Directive

Chair:  Hendrik Vanhees

09.45 Alain Strowel         Belgian implementation & selected remarks
10.10 Dirk Visser             Implementation in the Netherlands
10.35 Patrick Zurth         Implementation in Germany
11.00 Séverine Dusollier Implementation in France
11.25 Paul Torremans
                Alina Trapova         A British point of view
11.50     Chair                             Discussion time                                                                                                                     12.15                                             Lunch 
Afternoon programme:         Copyright contracting in the digital context

Chair:  Sam Granata

13.30 Chair                         Introduction to the afternoon sessions
13.45 Simon Geiregat What digital content consumers (should) want
14.15 Liliia Oprysk         Restrictions on the use of the digital content and the Digital Content                                                         Directive: EULAs, terms and conditions and beyond
14:45 Alina Trapova         AI, video games and end-user licence agreements
15.15 Jozefien Vanherpe Copyright contracts at the frontiers – a closer consideration from a conflict                                                         of laws perspective
15.45 Chair                         Discussion time & final remarks                                                                                        16.00                                             Closure


195 euros (excl. VAT)

Including lunch, morning and afternoon coffee break and publication with the contributions of this symposium (value 90 euros).

Date and time

23 septembre 2022

03:00 10:00 Europe/Luxembourg

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